Natterbox Freedom Webphone
This guide explains how to log in to Natterbox Freedom Webphone.
Logging into Natterbox Freedom
Firstly, go to and you will see the below:
2. Click on the Sign In button
Do not click Sandbox sign in unless you are testing something in QA Salesforce
3. You will be presented with the standard Salesforce login page
4. Click on Use Custom Domain
5. In the custom domain field, enter virginwines so that it looks like the below
6. You should then be automatically logged into Natterbox Freedom and see the below page
You may need to enter your 365 login details or select it from the list if not auto logged in
7. Once logged in, click the LAUNCH NATTERBOX WEBPHONE link
8. This window will then pop up. Allow microphone access if prompted.
You MUST leave this window open as it is what runs the webphone. If you close it you will not have a phone.
9. Once the webphone is ready it will look like this
Troubleshooting common issues
Common Natterbox Issues and How To Fix This guide goes over some of the most common issues with the Natterbox webphone.