How to set up Salesforce MFA

If you are not using your Microsoft Account to log into Salesforce and instead use a username and password, you are required to set up MFA to log in.

We highly recommend using the login with Microsoft Account option to bypass the need to use an authenticator app or enter a username and password each time, as it uses your existing Windows login session.

If you don’t want to use the Microsoft Account option, please follow the rest of the guide.

Upon logging in with a username and password you will see the below.

At this stage you have 3 options

  1. Use the Salesforce Authenticator app

  2. Click the Choose another verification method link

  3. Go back and use your Microsoft account to log in (recommended)

If you want to use the Salesforce app, follow the instructions on the screen.

If you would like to use another authenticator app

Such as Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Authy etc. click Choose another verification method

Select User verification codes from an authenticator app and click continue

You will see the below with steps on how to add it to an app.

Please don’t try to scan this QR code as it is invalid

Once you have entered the code from your authenticator app MFA is set up and you will need to use it when logging in from a new location or after a few hours of inactivity.

Setting up MFA for shared users.

For shared users the process is essentially the same as the 3rd party app steps above, except a screenshot of the QR code needs to be saved in a secure location and anybody who uses the account needs to scan it into an authenticator app.

For IT this is in the Team - IT > Salesforce folder