Bulk Add Winebank Interest

Occasionally the marketing want to offer an incentive where the customer will get extra interest added to their account. 

  1. First of all, create the csv spreadsheet & save it using the following template - promoWinebankInterest.csv
          a. This file cannot contain symbols and should be text only
          b. Customer number must be added
          c. Amount should be entered - minus amounts can be specified if needed
          d. A store needs to be entered (will always be vwshop for Winebank customers)
  2. Go to Telesales > Tasks > Bulk Uploader > Winebank > Winebank Interest
  3. Click 'Choose File' on the Details screen 
  4. Select the file name and click 'Open' 
  5. You must select a relevant reason code. Reference and Description are optional the bulk tool will still work without these. 
  6. Click 'Execute' 
  7. To see the status, click the 'Jobs' tab - if this is not there then refresh the screen
  8. If the status is 'Unknown' then it means the process is still running. If it's 'Complete' then it has finished, once complete, click on the 'Details' button then click 'Get Report' 
  9. This downloads a spreadsheet which shows the results of the load 
  10. 'Loaded' means that the customer has been skipped over - either because they do not have a winebank membership, or are in closed or closing state. Otherwise it will advise it is successfully completed and the amount will appear on the customer account with the description attached