Bulk Skip or Cancel Subscription Customers
Bulk Skip or Cancel Subscription Customers
This process allows you to skip or cancel multiple Subscription Customers at a time, it can ONLY be used for Subscriptions and not for Winebank. You can only do skips or cancels in one go, not both.
- Log into Telesales and hover over 'Tasks' to see the options
- Click on 'Subscription Bulk' and you will land on the screen to upload the spreadsheet.
- Then you need to upload the file, the file should be saved as a CSV spreadsheet format with the following fields (if you are cancelling customers just pop 'cancel' in the action field -
- You can add multiple subscription customers at a time - the subscription names should be displayed as follows -
- discovery_club
- just_reds
- rac
- bin_ends
- just_6
- Save the spreadsheet then click 'Choose File' on the uploader then find the file name
- Click 'Open' and the file will appear next to the Choose File button
- Click 'Execute Task' and you will see a blue message advising it is working on it, click 'Jobs'
- You will see the job at the top - if it is still processing then the 'Exit Code' will be 'Unknown' - keep refreshing until it goes to 'complete' then click 'details' and 'get report'
- This downloads an excel file which shows the results for your upload for each customer and whether it was successful, if a customer has already been skipped or is already cancelled, then it will fail and proceed to the next customer
, multiple selections available,