External Order Search

External Order Search

It is now possible for agents with the right permissions set to search for external orders, such as Amazon and Red, in Mantiki using the order ID. 

In Telesales, go to CRM > External Orders and you will see a summary sheet similar to the Sales Order summary sheet.

Then enter the Order ID in the field titled ‘Ext Order Ref’ and Mantiki will return the corresponding order.

As you can see in the above example, this summary page also includes the Ext Customer Ref (The client the order was placed through) and normal Sales Order details. 

Viewing the external order will take you to the Sales Order page and you will be able to see the order group number, the external order number and all other usual information. 

You can also search for external orders in Salesforce by using the Global Search bar.

The External Order Reference and External Customer Reference can be found on the Order Details page.