Cancelling Sent to Warehouse (extracted) Orders

Cancelling Sent to Warehouse (extracted) Orders

Once an order group has been Sent to Warehouse, each order within the group needs to be cancelled individually, this is because each order is extracted individually and Options does not recognise them as a group. 

Before you start, make sure that the orders have been cancelled on Options, if cancelling more than 1 order within a group, make sure that all of them are cancelled in Options

  1. Search and view the order group, you will see that it is in a state of 'processed' and each order line is 'sent to warehouse' 
  2. Expand the order you wish to cancel 
  3. Click 'Cancel' and a popup will appear asking for a reason for the cancellation and a tick box confirming it's been cancelled in options. If this is not ticked you will not be allowed to cancel the order
  4. Providing the order has been cancelled on Options then tick the box, select a reason and click 'Confirm' then that order within the group will be cancelled
  5. Remember, if you need to cancel more than one order within an order group you will need to repeat this process for all orders. 

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