Adjusting Invoice Account After Payment Received

After a client has paid their invoice balance, this needs to be adjusted on Mantiki so their invoice balance is reset. 

  1. Go to Mantiki Telesales, CRM > Customers and search for the client and then click on 'Accounts'
  2. Click on 'Edit' under the invoice account
  3. Click on the 'Entries' tab
  4. Click 'Add New Entry' and this brings up the popup 
  5. Choose the correct option for the payment from the drop down (normally BACs Payment) 
  6. If the payment relates to 1 single order, then add this information onto the entry being added - if not, then leave it blank
  7. Add a description - if theres a payment reference or cheque number then add this here
  8. Add the amount being paid off the invoice (this can be the full amount or partial) 
  9. Click 'Add Entry' and then this amount will be adjusted off the balance - if the full amount has been paid then the balance will reset to 0.00