Corporate Attribute Maintenance

If a member of the corporate team starts or leaves, then they need to have their name removed or added to the customer attribute. This attribute marks a customer as being looked after by a particular corporate agent. 

  1. Log into Staging Back Office and ensure you are in an Open Change package
  2. Go to Merchandising > Taxonomy > Attributes
  3. Search for the attribute name (the attribute is called 'corporate_agent')
  4. Click to view the attribute
  5. Click 'Attribute Options' 
  6. To remove an agent, click the - symbol on their option, they will highlight in red
  7. Click 'Save' and the agent will disappear 
  8. To add an agent, click 'Add New Option' and this brings up a blank form to add 
  9. Fill out the values and url segment - it should be the Agent Username (should always be surname and first letter of their first name)
  10. Click 'Save' and the attribute will add
  11. Publish the change package and the agent will now be available in the drop down on the customer account