Bulk Add Reminders

If you need to add a load of open reminders to orders or customers, then this is how to do it. 

  1. Create a csv using this template - diaryEntry.csv - NOTE - when starting a new CSV file you must delete all the previously filled rows completely (except the titles) - it will not work if you simply delete the contents
    1. You MUST have a customer number OR an order group reference OR an order reference, date must be in a dd/mm/yyyy format. 
    2. Team must be spelt as it is on Mantiki - 'Priority One' or 'Customer Services' 
    3. Category and Subject must both be filled in 
  2. Go to Telesales > Tasks > Add Reminders 
  3. Click 'Choose File' and select your CSV 
  4. Click 'Open' and then click 'Execute' 
  5. After clicking this, click into the 'Jobs' tab - if this does not appear then simply refresh the page
  6. If the state is 'Unknown' then it means the process is still running, refresh until it goes to 'Complete' 
  7. Click on 'details' and 'get report' 
  8. This downloads a spreadsheet which shows a list of results for each line 
  9. If diary entry is added, then it will advise you and appear in the queue on the date specified.Â