Bulk Update Bottle In Basket Attribute


A bulk task has been created that can be used to set the Bottle In Basket attribute for a set of customers.

It can be found in the dropdown in Tasks > Bulk Bottle In Basket


The Detail Tab is where you can upload a spreadsheet dictating which customers in which shop are to have their bottle_in_basket attribute either ticked or unticked.  Also available are tabs for Info which shows the required fields in an uploaded spreadsheet and Jobs which shows upload history and from which you can acquire reports on the success of your job we revisit this report below.  The uploader has a single required input field, Choose File.  This opens a window where you can browse to your spreadsheet for upload.

The spreadsheet should be in .csv format and has the columns listed in the Info tab.  Currently store, customer_number and boolean at time of writing with boolean being the switch for whether you want to turn on or off the bottle_in_basket attribute for the listed customer.  An example is below.  Select the file and click Execute back in Mantiki.


Once you've selected the file and clicked Execute Task in Mantiki, you'll be presented with a blue message on the same page indicating success or a red message indicating failure.  This is only referring to Mantiki successfully processing the sheet and a blue message does not necessarily mean that everything has gone to plan.

In the Jobs tab (mentioned above) you'll find a record of the jobs that have been run for this task.

Our job is the top one here and by default, newer jobs are nearer the top.  You can see it says that the job has COMPLETED and that it was a SUCCESS.  This is further indication that the sheet was processed correctly but the results may still not be as you expected.  To get a report of how the job went, click the Details button and a small dropdown will appear below the button offering Get Report.  Click this and a csv will download to your computer detailing what happened with each entry

status indicates whether the line was successful and status_message indicates the reason (here you can see that one of the customers did not exist at the stated shop so no update on that customer occurred).  The other two entries have a done status meaning success and you can see in the message and adjacent columns details of the change that has been made to that customer and the shop that change has been made on.