Bulk Subscription Move

This bulk task takes a CSV file to move customers from their current group to another. It is based on subscription event id. 

This process should replicate the manual group movement that can be performed in Back office.  

Process is performing some validation such as if subscription exists and if it is matching subscription events and customer subscription. Both subscriptions events (from and to) must be in pending state. 

Additionally it does check if customer is not already in the group/event which we want customer to move.

To run this task Mantiki  user need to have assigned Bulk Subscription Move (bulk_subscription_move) permission.  

CSV File

This bulk task will take CSV file with the following columns:

customer_number - customer number that we want to move 

subscription - subscription name - this needs to be the name from DB like discovery_club

from_subscription_event_id - subscription event id we want to move customer from 

to_subscription_event_id - subscription event id we want to move customer to

revert_basket - FALSE/TRUE - if we want to retain basket from previous subscription then FALSE. If we want to use default subscription basket then TRUE. 

reason_code - reason code why customer was moved.

Example of the file is attached.