How to set up Individual bottle discounts page

The individual bottle discounts page shows the customer a selection of wines at a cheaper price than they are sold at throughout the rest of the site. This page will be made available to customers via email campaign, they will be sent a link to the page as part of a promotion.

  • Firstly its probably easiest to decide what products you want to be shown on this page. Once you know you need to go to Merchandising → Catalogue once on here you need to find the folder containing all your wines for example I chose 'Home Spanish Wine Offers' once you have found the folder you need to find the category folder it comes under so for example in my case it was 'Homepage promotions'. Once you have found both of those keep a note somewhere of the exact name of both the folder and the category folder containing your products.

  • Next You need to go to Content → Pages and once there hit add new. 

  • Fill out the page details section of the form. See screenshot below for the content (The only bit that may differ to how i set it up is the name and the URL segment as that can be altered depending on what you want the URL to be that fires this page). 

  • Once page detail is filled out hit 'Save' and then go to Content –> Snippets and hit 'Add new' 

  • Firstly we need to create a Template Snippet for this page so once you have selected the store and name of your snippet go to the template definition tab and add in the relevant snippet code which will be stores on Mantiki Snippets on Bitbucket. See screenshots for how to set up.

  • Once your template snippet is complete hit 'Save'.

  •  We now need to create a template based snippet. So go back to Content → Snippets and hit add new. The snippet details tab you just need to enter your store which in this case will be Virgin Wines. You then need to select the type as 'Template based'. Then in the Template name section search for the name of the Template snippet you created previously. Once this is done you just need to create a name for your template based snippet and then set it to active. 

  •  Once the snippet details section is complete, go to the content section this is where we are going to need the folder and the category folder names from the catalogue that we took a note of in step one of this set up. In the group section you need to enter the category folder name which in my case was 'Homepage promotions'. You then enter the folder name in the Promo Assort section which for my example i used 'Home Spanish Wine Offers'. Then you simply just enter the price you wish to show the wines at on the page in the promo price section. 

  • Once done hit save. You then need to go back to Content → Pages and find your page you created in the earlier steps of these instructions. Go to the regions tab and add a new region. The region we want to add will be our template based snippet we have created, Once done hit save and the page is set up. 

  •  You should then be able to go on to the website and fire your newly created page via URL.Â