Reset the VPN connections into Navisite

Resetting Navisite to Palo Alto client VPN via a ping request

Via a Windows server to Navisite

The simplest way to fix this issue where people using the VPN client (Global Protect) are affected, but the inter-office VPNs are not, is to connect to a device in Production (10.30.0.*) or QA (10.40.0.*) and ping your device VPN IP. This will start with 172.

  1. If you are on the VPN, RDP to a Windows server in Norwich or Preston.

    1. VWNorDC10 or VWPreDC10 are the best option

  2. From that server, SSH to a server in Navisite. Production or Test Rundeck are a good choice.

  3. Once you have an SSH session on the Navisite server run the below command be sure to substitute * for your actual client VPN IP.

    1. ping 172.30.1.*
  4. Check you can access from your device.

Directly in Navisite.

In the unlikely event the above process doesn’t work, you can also log into Navisite and connect to a server via the web console to run the same ping command.

Full VPN Reset

Please only do this as a last resort. Generally there is absolutely no reason to do the below unless pinging from Navisite to a client device on the VPN does not work.

Sometimes the VPN connections drop out causing connectivity issues between Navisite and ourselves. A quick bounce of the connection normally fixes the issue. See the video below for instructions on how to carry out this task. I'm bouncing Astatine within the video but the procedure is the same for all vDC's.

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