How to track a support ticket
How to track a support ticket
Emails will no longer be sent to you with confirmation of a ticket number or resolution. It is now your responsibility to check this.
- Go to https://confluence.virginwines.co.uk:8080/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=11231
- In the 'Quick Search' field enter your ticket number and press enter
- It will take you to the ticket page where you can see the status and any comments.
- Status 'Open' means the issue has either not been looked at or work not yet started.
- Status 'In Progress' means work is happening to resolve it.
- Status 'Stalled' means that work has been started, but something needs further investigation before it can be completed.
- Status 'Closed' means the issue has been resolved.
- On the right hand side, you can see the assignee name and the reporter name, so you know who to direct your questions to.
- If the ticket cannot be found then it is likely to have been moved to the Development queue as something needs doing code-wise. We ask your patience with these issues as unless it is of dire urgency it may take a while.
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