Preorder Manual Retries

If a customer has had a failed payment after 3 attempts when the Preorder is dispatched, they will go into a state of 'Manual Retry' and need to be addressed by Customer Service, Wine Advisors or Allstars. Occasionally some customers will remain in 'retry' so these also need addressing.

  1. Log into Telesales and go to CRM > Preorders 
  2. Under the 'State' drop down, search for 'Manual Retry' then click 'Search' - this returns all the customers that have been attempted 3 times. Also do a search for 'Retry' as these people will need working. 
  3. Click 'View' against the customer you are going to work on - you will see an error message advising the payment failure, along with a 'create order now' button
  4. Click on the 'Payment' tab to see what the payment method is 
  5. If the card is in date or it is paypal, it is worth going back to the 'Preorder Details' tab and clicking 'Create Order Now' - if there are no payment methods or the card is expired, then this is not worth doing.
  6. If the payment still fails, or the card is expired/no payment methods found. Then you will need to contact the customer to obtain updated payment details - unfortunately we cannot update Paypals so a card would need to be added if Paypal fails. 
  7. Once you have the new payment details and updated them on the preorder, click into the 'Preorder Details' and click 'Create Order now' - then click 'Proceed' on the popup 
  8. If it's successful, you will see a blue message advising and see the 'Balance' order on the details - the customer is no longer a manual retry