Creating an Attribute

Before you start, you will need to be in an open change package in the Staging environment

  1. Go to Merchandising > Taxonomy > Attributes 
  2. A list of all the current attributes will appear, click 'Add New' in the top right
  3. You will be shown a form to create the attribute
  4. Name should be in 'camel case' and URL segment should be the name separated by dashes. 
  5. Next choose a type - the type defines how the attribute behaves. String = Text, Integer = Whole Number, Date, Decimal = Number with decimal places, Money = Monetary Value, Boolean = True/False indicator, Image, Snippet or Timestamp
  6. Icon media handle is only needed for 'Image' type. Next choose an entity for the attribute to work for - 
  7. Media Class is only needed if the Type is an Image. Then choose the tick boxes for how the attribute should behave - they can all be left blank if needed. 
  8. Enter a display name - this will be how it shows to the user
  9. Save the attribute and you will see a new tab appear - this changes depending on the type and tick boxes you have selected and sometimes no tab will show if it's not required. 
  10. If attribute options tab appears, then these will need filling to provide a drop down of optionsÂ