Creating a Dashboard

A dashboard can contain a snapshot of various reports on one screen. 

  1. From the App Launcher (the 9 dots at the top left of the screen) or from your personal menu, go to 'Dashboards' 
  2. Click 'New Dashboard' 
  3. You'll see a screen popup where you can name your dashboard and add it to a folder (By default it will be private to you - you can move this later) 
  4. Click 'Create' and you'll be shown a blank grid, click '+ Component' from the top
  5. A popup will appear where you can search for reports that you wish to add to the dashboard
  6. Use the menus and search function to find the report you want to add, click it then click 'Select' 
  7. On the next screen, you'll be asked how you wish to display your report - note, only reports that have groups can show a chart, see how to do this here
  8. Tweak the settings on the left until you have the desired result
  9. Then click 'Add' and it will show on the dashboard
  10. You can resize it by click it and using the markers indicated, you can also drag and drop it to a different position
  11. Once you are happy, add more reports by using the '+ Component' button and following the same steps again until you have your desired Dashboard. When complete, click the 'Cog' button to edit the dashboard settings 
  12. A popup appears like this - 
  13. If you contain reports which show things such as 'My Accounts' or 'My Orders' it's really important that you tick 'View Dashboard As' 'The Dashboard Viewer'. You can also change the folder by clicking 'Select Folder' 
  14. You can create a new folder in this view too. To enable folder sharing, it works the same as Report Folder sharing, details of which can be found here.
  15. Once you are happy, save your Dashboard and it's ready to use. 
  16. When you view a dashboard, it will automatically refresh when you first click into it, or you can click the 'refresh' button